So many times we hear that “….if you’re not growing you’re going backwards”; what a dangerous assumption that can be! Many farms would benefit from consolidation after a few years of expansion, done as a well-intentioned plan to cope with ever rising costs. The reality is that too often the extra income is matched (or exceeded by) extra (and new) costs with the result that profit is only the same as before – or worse! This is combined with additional pressure on the system including the farmer, the animals and the machinery which all show signs of stress in their respective ways.
When we set up our firm nearly two years ago, one of our key objectives was not to absorb avoidable costs. As you can see from our new team picture, we have grown significantly with the team having doubled to 6 people. Our client base has grown significantly and our desire to maintain client service has enabled this rapid expansion. However the key for us, and any business, is to ensure that our growth brings economies of scale – in our case utilising existing office space and diluting overheads.
Of course the market has to be there for the extra product. In that regard we are delighted that our conscious decision to exclusively specialise in farming, be more involved in our client’s business throughout the year and our added value approach has been so well received in the market.
We are set for more growth and so if you are thinking of moving accountant, or work in accountancy and want to move to a different type of accountancy practice, then please consider our firm and feel free to get in touch.
Pat Tomlinson
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